Synopsys Line Count Guidelines

Version 2015.1

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This page describes the Synopsys guidelines for counting lines of code (the “Guidelines”) for the purposes of determining compliance with an LOC License type. Synopsys may update these Guidelines from time to time at its discretion and without notice. The LOC License is further described in your End User Software License and Maintenance Agreement with Synopsys and any terms in your End User Software License and Maintenance Agreement, Purchasing Agreement or any other written agreement (collectively referred to as the “Agreement”) that conflict or amend these Guidelines shall control and supersede these Guidelines. Capitalized terms not defined in these Guidelines have the meanings given to them in your Agreement.

A Customer who has purchased a license to Synopsys Licensed Product that is an LOC License type may use the Licensed Product on up to the maximum number of lines of code stated in the applicable Purchasing Agreement on the Code Base(s) stated therein. When counting the maximum number of lines of code, Synopsys does not count:

  • unmodified open source code in Customer’s Code Base;
  • modifications to open source code that (1) are bug fixes for defects discovered using the Synopsys products, where (2) the defect is reported back to the licensor of the open source code incorporated into the Code Base, and where (3) Customer ensures that Synopsys is given credit for discovery of the reported bug fix in such open source code;
  • lines of code that are whitespaces; or
  • lines of code that are comments; or
  • unmodified third party code in the Customer’s Code Base where Customer does not have the right to make modifications to the code and does not modify the code or enable a third party to modify such code.